About Us
The Northeast Cyberteam Program is a 3-year initiative funded by the National Science Foundation to build a regional pool of Research Computing Facilitators to support researchers at small and mid-sized institutions in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, leveraging the work of national programs including XSEDE Campus Champions, ACI-REF and others. Research Computing Facilitators (RCFs) are experts at figuring out how to match the right compute resources to the task at hand, something that can stymie researchers who...
We are seeking a few exceptional individuals to participate! We are looking for undergraduate or graduate students who have some research computing experience, and are interested in learning more. If matched to a project, you will be assigned a mentor, and together you will provide research computing assistance to a researcher working on a computationally intensive project. Current projects are shown here. Stipends are available for all student participants. Join the team to apply for a project!
by @vsoch
A new theme was introduced for the Cyberteam website. Want to contribute to design or content? Fork the repository on github make your changes and submit a pull request. [Read More]