
This is the site for Digital Records for High Performance Computing

What is Top?

Every HPC Center wants to have the biggest and baddest clusters. While the TOP500 holds official status for international centers, this leaves out smaller groups that want to participate, and doesn’t encompass all the kinds of records that might be obtained. As a community developed and maintained resource, anyone is free to contribute or update a record in the Digital Book of World Records for HPC.

How does it work?

Each post in the repository corresponds to one record. For each, we define a title, and the creation and updated at date (same as the creation date, if the record is newly added). The content area describes a description of the record, followed by a section for each winner. We have three different levels of winners:

  • academic institution
  • national lab
  • corporate entity

This means that each record can have a maximum of three winners.

Can I contribute a new record?

Yes! Each record is a post (a static file) in the respository, and you can simply copy any post to use as a template, and rename with the date and a name for the record. You can open a pull request to https://www.github.com/hpsee/top to discuss your contribution.

Can I update a record?

Competition is good! If you see a record that your center has surpassed, it’s up to you to fix the historical record! You should also open a pull request to edit the page in question. The previous winners will be remembered via version control. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask by opening an issue.