
Name Institution Program Interests URL
Name Institution Program Interests URL
Aaron Culich UC Berkeley aws big data containers cyberInfrastructure CyberSecurity data handling data storage data wrangling debugging distributed computing docker filesystem globus gpus hadoop hardware hardware architecture machine learning natural language processing networking Personnel Resource Capacity Building privacy professional development programming programming best practices provisioning python r scientific gateway screen security Security in CyberInfrastructure singularity slurm software software identity spark ssh storage tensorflow tmux unix environment vpn xsede
Adrian Del Maestro University of Vermont cyberInfrastructure hpc operations julia parallelization python
Andrea Elledge University of Vermont HPC
Brian Gregor Boston University big data bu cpus data handling data storage debugging gpus hardware hardware architecture job sizing machine learning matlab mpi parallelism parallelization performance performance tuning programming programming best practices python scc software tensorflow unix environment
Bruce Segee University of Maine
Chris Hill MIT
Chris Wilson University of Maine
Daniel Blanchard University of Massachusetts - Amherst
David Oury Bentley University aws big data containers data handling data storage data wrangling docker gpus internet machine learning parallelism parallelization programming programming best practices python r tensorflow unix environment
Dennis Milechin Boston University geographicinformationsystem
Ermal Toto Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Jacob Pessin Boston University Cloud aws osg gce cyverse s3 HPC scheduler condor sge storage privacy SoftwareInstallation parallelization OS jupyterhub profilling pip BioInformatics Molecular-Dynamics Parametersweeps Simulations ClusterSupport parallelization DataManagement metadata security storage bash python r scripting batch jobs big data data handling data storage data wrangling distributed computing job sizing performance scc scheduling unix environment xsede
Jeff Dusenberry University of Massachusetts Boston batch jobs cpus cyberInfrastructure debugging gpus mpi parallelization sge slurm unix environment
John Goodhue Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
John Griffin UMass Amherst hw/sw integration
Juan Vanegas University of Vermont HPC slurm storage nfs Compiling conda jupyterhub pip BioInformatics Molecular-Dynamics gromacs Simulations ssh x11 bash environment-modules mpi python batch jobs HPC Cluster build hpc operations
Julie Ma MGHPCC hardware hardware architecture
Katia Oleinik Boston University sge Compiling debugging cuda parallelization vectorization r batch jobs big data bu data handling data wrangling gpus graphics performance tuning programming programming best practices scc visualization
Larry Whitsel University of Maine software
Ralph Zottola University of Alabama at Birmingham
Scott Valcourt University of New Hampshire big data hardware architecture hw/sw integration internet networking professional development programming programming best practices resources scientific gateway software storage unix environment web xsede
Scott Yockel Harvard batch jobs Computational-Chemistry cyberInfrastructure data storage globus job sizing nese odyssey scheduling slurm storage unix environment xsede
Seung Woo Son University of Massachusetts Lowell ceph cyberInfrastructure data storage debugging distributed computing filesystem hadoop mpi parallelism parallelization performance performance tuning programming singularity storage tensorflow
Shaohao Chen Boston University containers SoftwareInstallation Compiling debugging cuda parallelization vectorization dependencies mpi tensorflow AI DeepLearning Machine-Learning scikit-learn Quantum-Mechanics Simulations parallelization SoftwareSupport bash matlab scripting batch jobs gpus julia machine learning parallelism performance performance tuning programming unix environment xsede
Shawn Doughty Tufts University accounts aws batch jobs cgroups containers cpus desktops fastx filesystem globus gpus hardware hardware architecture hpc operations hw/sw integration networking parallelization professional development programming programming best practices python scheduling screen singularity slurm ssh unix environment web xsede
Spencer Pruitt Northeastern University slurm debugging parallelization storage mpi python batch jobs Computational-Chemistry cpus data storage distributed computing hardware hpc operations performance programming scheduling screen unix environment
Vanessasaurus Stanford University PhD Biomedical Informatics containers python bash linux continuous integration yaml golang jekyll research software engineering web development
Wirawan Purwanto Old Dominion University bash C++ linux mpi python scripting batch jobs